Prices from US 158 – $ 285,000
In the city of Zipaquira is one of the wonders of Colombia, the Salt Cathedral is a former salt mine, which was transformed into a cathedral which represents what can forge the man to his god
In the city of Zipaquira is one of the wonders of Colombia, the Salt Cathedral is a former salt mine, which was transformed into a cathedral which represents what can forge the man to his god

Zpaquiera minas de sal


Tour to Zipaquira Salt Mines.
The Salt Cathedral is a room built inside the salt mines of Zipaquira, Metropolitan Area of ​​Bogota, in the department of Cundinamarca. Actually it is a tourist site, more like a museum than a true cathedral temple it is not the seat of any prelate.
Inside is a rich artistic collection, especially salt and marble sculptures in the full sense of deep religious atmosphere that attracts tourists.
Ccatedral Zipaquira Salt is considered one of the most remarkable architectural and artistic achievements of Colombian architecture, even granting him the title of architectural jewel of modernity Finally Visitor tour the town of Zipaquira to cycle through the colonial streets.

Frequency: Daily
Time: 8 hours
Minimum and Maximum Persons: Minimum 2 – Maximum 25 people
Not included: Personal expenses Meals not specified – which is not specified in the plan.

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Reserve este tour por solo $ 285.000- Us 158 por persona

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