Canyoning in the southwestern Antioquia

Prices from: Us 130 – $ 234,700 Taking advantage of the topography with mountains of Antioquia, the Municipality of Thames allows us to Torrentismo within the beautiful waterfalls. Canyoning in the southwestern Antioquia Antioquia department is divided into 9 subregions, and southeast of Antioquia is part of one of them, here you will find ideal […]

Amaga – Coffee Tour

Prices from: Us 98 – $ 176,850 Amaga – Coffee Touron of the most  original  tours of Colombia and our traditional culture. Having the experience of touring coffee plantations, observe and participate in the process of developing one of the most important products of the country is a fun outdoor activity. Coffee one day be one of […]

Santa Helena Relax

Precios por persona: Us 183 – $ 329.400 Visita el municipio de Santa helena, donde no solo podrás compartir con los Silleteros, sino que también podrás disfrutar un día de Spa Durante el Tour Visitaremos el municipio de Santa helena,  allí cerca Al Parque Arví , encontraremos un hermosa Spa donde  podrás disfrutar un día de Spa conectado con los verdes campos […]

Jerico – Visit the town of Jerico

Price: Us 88 – $ 158,700 Visit to the town of Jericho where you can make walking through its cobbled streets and its history, traditions and culture Visiting museums, religious temples, the home of Blessed Mother Laura, among others. After our arrival in Jericho and through a tour do a panoramic view of the town, […]

Jerico – Being Arriero for a day

Precios desde: Us 88  – $ 158.600 Visita un pueblo colonial acércate a la cultura arriera y la colonización antioqueña Los arrieros, eran aquellas Personas que se encargaban de trasporta ls mercancía como café, maíz, trigo por las montañas; siempre lo hacia utilizando una mula. Durante el Tour podrás visitar un pueblo colonial, podrás acércate a la cultura […]

visita a Guatape – Día de sol con visita al Peñol

Guatape es un pueblo muy colorido que en sus casas coloniales y sócalos representa las vivencias o experiencias de sus habientes Guatape es considerado como uno de los lugares más Representativos de Antioquia; es un pueblo muy colorido donde en sus casas coloniales, los sócalos representa las vivencias o experiencias de sus habientes, y tradicionales. Guatape nos […]

Medellín – Show de Tango

PricesFrom:  Us 61 – $ 153.000 Live art show with professional dancers. Traditional Dance Hall During this plan, we visit a famous dance hall where you can enjoy exquisite dances, in the hands of professionals and you can observe the tradition Youth and Adults around the culture of Tango. Medellin, for some time was the […]

Medellin – Panoramic city tour

Prices from: 42USD or $104.000COP per person Medellin – Panoramic city tour Sightseeing tour to the most important places of the city including El Pueblito Paisa, the Explora Park, Botanical Garden, Plaza Botero, Barefoot Park and Metro Cable. Optional tickets to enter to the indoor largest aquarium in South America with more than 4000 species […]

Eastern Antioquia – Orchid Tour

Prices from: Us 107 – $ 191,700 You have the experience of visiting Colombian flower crops where we will know the process of growing orchids. Besides knowing and touring eastern Antioquia with its colonial towns, also you have the opportunity to make one of the most beautiful tours of Medellin «tour of Orchids»; It will […]

Santa fe de Antioquia – Adventure in Santa Fe de Antioquia

Prices from: Us 255 – $ 459,000 Santa Fe de Antioquia to be located near the Cauca River, is an ideal place for adventure sports. Santa Fe de Antioquia is a town located in the department of Antioquia, near one of the main rivers of Colombia «the Rio Cauca,» thanks to this closeness that Rio […]